Welcome to the Anglican Church in SW France

We are an Anglican Chaplaincy in the South West France, part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe.

Our ministry covers an area from the Aveyron to the Aude and from the Lot into Tarn and Garonne, including the Tarn, Haute Garonne and Ariège.

There has been an Anglican presence here in this part of France since the early 1960s. We now worship in six centres: Vayrac and Cahors in the Lot, Brens in the Tarn, Caylus in the Tarn et Garonne, Toulouse in the Haute Garonne and Carcassonne in the Aude.

Join us in any of our churches.


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Upcoming events in the Chaplaincy
Sunday 23rd February10h00Morning Prayer, Paddy WrightCahors
Sunday 23rd February10h30Holy Communion by extension, Kate du ToitCarcassonne
Sunday 23rd February11h00Zoom Morning Prayer, Robin JohnstonBrens
Monday 24th February10h30Holy Communion, Revd June HutchinsonCaylus
Sunday 2nd March10h30Service of the WordToulouse
Sunday 2nd March11h00Holy Communion by extension, Peter GibbsBrens
Tuesday 4th March10h30Holy Communion by extension, Malcolm RigleyVayrac
Wednesday 5th March10h00Holy Commumion, Revd June HutchinsonCahors
Sunday 9th March10h30Holy Communion, Revd Jacqueline RodwellCarcassonne
Sunday 9th March11h00Zoom Morning Prayer, Tricia LaundersBrens
Monday 10th March10h30Morning Prayer, Celia ScottCaylus
Sunday 16th March10h30Holy Communion, Revd Jacqueline RodwellToulouse
Sunday 16th March11h00Holy Communion by extension, Peter GibbsBrens
Sunday 23rd March10h30Morning Prayer, David PhillipsCarcassonne
Sunday 23rd March11h00Zoom Morning Prayer, Tricia LaundersBrens
Sunday 30th March10h00 Morning Prayer, Georgina HodgsonCahors
For more information on any event please click on the link beside it.

Our ministry covers an area from the Aveyron to the Aude and from the Lot into Tarn and Garonne, including the Tarn, Haute Garonne and Ariège.

We are an Anglican Chaplaincy and part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe.

There has been an Anglican presence here in this part of France since the early 1960s. In the last six decades this has developed into the present day Chaplaincy with six worship centres and a ministry team.


All guests who present themselves are to be received as Christ, for He will say: I was a stranger and you took me in. (St Matthew) The Rule of St Benedict

We are a scattered community and people drive long distances to attend church on a Sunday morning or afternoon. Our worship styles reflect the diversity of those who come, as not all are Anglicans by any means.

Common Worship Services

...open the way for people in the varied circumstances of their lives to experience the love of God in Jesus Christ in the life and power of the Holy Spirit. Preface to Common Worship

The Holy Communion is celebrated regularly throughout the Chaplaincy using Common Worship but often with a variety of hymns and music reflecting our different church backgrounds. We also celebrate life in all its wonder and fullness through Baptism and Marriage and at the end of life with a Service of Thanksgiving or a Funeral.

Come and See

If you have recently moved to this part of France to live or work, if you are just passing through or here on holiday look at the interactive map to find your nearest worship centre.


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